Friday, April 22, 2011

germaine krull

nude in cabaret, 1929

eiffel tower, 1929

freia, 1924

etude (portrait of wanda hubbell), 1931

germaine krull by eli lotar, 1930 

jean cocteau, 1929

les amies, 1924 

daretha albu

les amies, 1924 

germaine krull by eli lotar, 1930 

etude de mains

germaine krull (1897 - 1985) was associated with surrealism, bauhaus & a member of the "new photography. the modernity of her subjects (metal architecture, industrial design) earned her the nickname of the "iron valkyrie." her famous shots of the eiffel tower pushed the photographic conventions of the time. she was the first woman to become a war correspondent (germany, italy & indochina). in paris between 1926 & 1928 she became friends with artists sonia & robert delaunay, jean cocteau, the writer colette & photographer eli lotar & others; her commercial work consisted of fashion photography, nudes & portraits.

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