Tuesday, January 15, 2013

you can sleep. sleep in my arms. like a baby bird. a song sung by a forest....within a forest...a thousand years ago....

from the unbearable lightness of being written by milan kundera directed by philip kaufman, 1988. daniel day-lewis & juliette binoche were never more beautiful. i still remember the first time i read this book, i have since read it more than 20, 30, 40 times. more than anyone i would like to meet milan kundera. more than anyone i would not like to meet milan kundera. he had such an impact on my life that i would not know what to say.

i am still hoping for one day to have these words said to me:

you can sleep. sleep in my arms. like a baby bird. like a broom among brooms... in a broom closet. like a tiny parrot. like a whistle. like a little song. a song sung by a forest... within a forest... a thousand years ago.

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