Sunday, May 13, 2012

dora kallmus (madame d'ora)

dancer, anita berber, 1923

princesse leila bederkhan, danseuse kourde, ca. 1930

tamara de lempicka, 1929

marlene dietrich, 1927

sisters g, 1920s

josephine baker, 1928

mme. agnes, modiste

ilona karolewna, 1924

la jana, halfan air woman, 1930

frl. eskenasy, 1924

anna pavlova in ballettkleid, 1913

dancer & choreographer mary wigman

1 comment:

  1. Dear Candy

    I hope you wont mind my blatent piece of self promotion, but readers of your D'Ora piece may be interested to know that I have just published the first full translation (by Merrill Cole) of Berners/Drostes 'Dances of Vice, Horror, and Ecstasy'in a small edition of 300 numbered h/b copies.

    It includes the wonderful D'Ora images which, where I can find them, I have licensed form various collections, and these have all be restored to make them look their best.

    There are also a few extra bits and pieces - an into by Cole, and essay by Mel Gordon (Berbers biographer) and a few other D'Ora images (one hand mounted on the cover and a previously unpublished image by her of the couple as an extra).

    The website is:

    I have also added my own essay on Berber/Droste/ the book etc here:

    If you would care to mention it somewhere I would be terribly grateful.

    Thanks so much!
